Product Development Tips: 5 Key Concept Development Questions

In the world of cosmetic and personal care product development, we all need a road map to our destination, especially when it comes to concept development.  It’s easy to come up with a creative idea, but there are questions to ask in the product design journey to create a product with impact.

Before a product is on the shelf for sale, there’s a tremendous amount of work to get from start to finish.  

Consider this: concepts need to be envisioned, names generated, textures considered, technologies incorporated, formulas developed, claims discussed, and the consumer experience communicated.  And this is just the beginning.

5 key questions to answer in the creative space of beauty concept development:

1.    What makes the concept unique?

2.    Does it fill a white space in the product collection?

3.    Will it effectively compete with current products on the market?

4.    Can the high-level technology be easily communicated at the consumer level?

5.    What is the experience that the consumer will perceive with the product?

Having a well, thought out plan for concept development, and answering key questions that will make the product stand apart from the competition can deliver valuable impact on the journey of product development.  

If creating unique concepts for your products or brand is in your plan this year, contact me to schedule a consultation to talk through your goals. Email  Check out our site